Over 40 parishioners volunteered to serve on the team for this summer's Vacation Bible School. Students preschool-aged through those in high school discovered through spiritual lessons how to see evidence of God in everyday life, something we call "God Sightings". The results of the God Sightings are posted on the bulletin board in the Parish Center. To show that we can help our neighbors, the students and their families participated in the Fiesta de Corazon (Festival of the Heart). We helped the students learn about God's love by providing assistance to the children of migrant worker families in Pomeroy. A prayer service followed by a dinner with foods form South of the Border, music, pinatas, and a slide show was held on Friday evening. $1,610.00 in donations was collected for the Hispanic/Latino ministry in care of Sr. Francisca and Fr. Kozak at Sacred Heart Church in Pomeroy! A special word of gratitude to those individuals who gave their time to make VBS 2014 a huge success for all involved!
It is the time of year to enroll or re-enroll in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. The funds raised offset the amount of money needed from the parish for Religious Education. Visit http://www.krogercommunityrewards.com , click on "Columbus, OH" and click on "enroll" to register for the first time. To re-enroll, go to http://www.krogercommunityrewards.com and SIGN IN then follow the prompts. The Rewards Number for our parishes is 80963. THANK YOU to all who contributed to the fund by enrolling. From June 2013 to May 2014 we earned $3,416.00!
Childcare during the 10:00 AM Mass at Christ the King will resume on June 1 in the room just off the gathering space. This program is intended for children one to three years of age. Please contact Nancy Denhart for more information. Also, the 10:00 Faith Formation Program for the four-and five-year-olds will resume this Fall, 2014.
On Sunday, April 13, beginning at 10:30 AM, the Religious Education program is sponsoring a special event to learn about and prepare for Holy Week. Each family will proceed through four stations: Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, Good Friday and Resurrection. There are three opportunities to participate in the Walk: 10:30 A.M, 10:45 A.M. or following the 10:00 Mass at 11:20 A.M. Registration is required, and can be found on the Religious Education page of the Parish website. The Resurrection station will also be the annual Easter Egg Hunt for the older students. All in the parish are invited to attend.
The Religious Education program is sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt on April 13; filled Easter Eggs are needed! They can be dropped off at the Parish Center. The Easter Egg Hunt is for children 5 and under and begins at 11:20 in the yard in front of Christ the King on Sunday, April 13 following the 10:00 Mass. Fr. Mark encourages ALL youth of the parishes to participate! The Egg Hunt for the older children is part of the Walk with Jesus through Holy Week event. If you have children in both groups please contact Nancy Denhart for instructions.
Planning for Summer 2014 Vacation Bible School is underway. VBS is scheduled for June 24-27. If you would like to be part of the team please contact Nancy Denhart. A meeting to review possible programs is scheduled for March 16 at 11:30 AM in the CTK Parish Center.
Listen! Is God calling you? Catechists are needed for the Pre-K and Kindergarten Religious Education Program during the 10:00 Mass at Christ the King. Your own faith will come alive as you work with a team to bring the Good News of Jesus to our pre-school and Kindergarten classes. Teachers and aides are needed immediately. Contact Nancy Denhart for more information, [email protected] or 740-592-2711.