Listen! Is God calling you? Catechists are needed for the Pre-K and Kindergarten Religious Education Program during the 10:00 Mass at Christ the King. Your own faith will come alive as you work with a team to bring the Good News of Jesus to our pre-school and Kindergarten classes. Teachers and aides are needed immediately. Contact Nancy Denhart for more information, [email protected] or 740-592-2711.
Pope Francis has issued his first Apostolic Exhortation called Evangelii Gaudium, translated into English as "The Joy of the Gospel".... (click title to read more)
The Athens Catholic Community is hosting a "Work Day of Prayer" for the intentions of human dignity and right to life on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling, Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014. The day will include 9am-5pm Adoration at the CTK Chapel, Noon Angelus/Rosary for Life at St. Paul Church, 3:30pm a Life Chain at St. Paul, and culminating with Mass at 5:15 at Christ the King. OU students are welcome to join in the regular Campus Ministry Dinner at 6pm at the Parish Center, followed by the Newman Meeting at 7:15, where the topic will be Human Dignity. All are encouraged to join in this effort to respect life! If you plan on worshiping in Adoration, please sign-up for an hour slot at one of the sheets in either church or the Parish Office.
We are offering childcare during Sunday 10:00 AM Mass beginning February 2nd at Christ the King in the water fountain room in the Church building. Several college-aged students will care for children age 1 to pre-school. Contact Nancy Denhart ([email protected]) for more information and to register your child.
The Pregnancy Resource Center, a locally organized and funded, faith-based, life-affirming, non-profit organization will hold its annual Baby Bottle Campaign beginning Sunday, January 19. This year's focus surrounds the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, a day to celebrate the intrinsic value of all human life. This important day also provides an opportunity for pregnancy centers to share about the work they do bringing life-affirming resources to their communities and empowering women and men to choose life for their unborn children. Envelopes will be available at both churches for your donations.
The position of "Director of Community Engagement" is available in the Athens Habitat office. For more information on how to volunteer, please .... (click title to read more)