Minor construction and restoration to the tower and other areas of St. Paul's Church has been scheduled to begin on Monday, September 23rd. The company performing work has been delayed recently due to rainy weather, but they said the scaffolding and equipment will not prevent access to the church.
Bishop Monforton will be celebrating mass, along with other visiting priests, to mark the installation of Fr. Mark Moore as pastor on Sunday, September 22nd at the 11:30 AM Mass at St. Paul's Church. Religious Education classes are still scheduled to go on as usual that day. If your family would like to attend the installation Mass, we will see you there! If not, please stop in after classes and celebrate at the reception.
The catechetical theme for this year's RE program is "Open Wide the Door of Faith". Even if your child cannot attend Religious Education because of sports or if you are choosing the home-based option, we ask that you still register your child. Also, if you find yourself teaching family, friends, or coworkers about the faith and you'd like to join the Religious Education Staff, please contact Nancy Denhart for more information. These positions include 5th Grade aid, or Confirmation and Youth Ministry teams. Please consider using your talents to help the youth in our community!
A prayer service for peace will be held Thursday, September 5th at Christ the King Church at 6:00 PM.The service is open to all members of the community concerned about the crises in the Middle East, particularly in Syria. Pope Francis has called for a "global prayer vigil for peace" regarding the volatile political environment. Click the title to read more...