There are many ways you can support our parishes through online giving. Here are a few options:
Diocesan/Parish Share Campaign
Each year, all parishes in the Diocese of Steubenville have goals set by the Diocese to attain. Once we meet our D/PSC goal, 100% of the overage is returned to the parish for our specific needs. To learn more, click here.
myEoffering (Athens & Pomeroy parishes only at this time)
Sacred Heart, St. Paul, and Christ the King have accounts here for you to make contributions at your convenience. Contributing online is a process much like online bill pay, where donors opt to have their contributions withdrawn directly from their credit, debit, checking, or savings account in lieu of bringing cash or paper checks each Sunday. To learn more, click here.
Special Collection Schedule
January 26, 2025- Church in Latin America February 9, 2025- Diocesan Priests Retirement Fund March 5, 2025- Church in Eastern Europe (Ash Wednesday) Lent- Rice Bowl March 30, 2025- Catholic Relief Services April 18, 2025- Good Friday (Holy Land) April 27, 2025- Catholic Home Missions June 1, 2025- Communications June 29, 2025- Peter’s Pence / Holy Father September 14, 2025- Immaculate Heart Fund October 19, 2025- World Missions November 9, 2025- Archdiocese Military Services November 16, 2025- Catholic Campaign for Human Development December 7, 2025- Religious Retirement